福喜总部:收回上海福喜所有产品 中国业务由新团队接管

   2014-07-27 央视8950



  Shanghai Husi Products Withdrawn from the Marketplace

  Global Team Brought in to Manage Operations


  July 26, 2014 – To help rebuild the trust of our customers and consumers, as well as to cooperate with the official investigatory process, we are compelled to withdraw all products manufactured by Shanghai Husi from the marketplace.  We are also conducting a thorough internal investigation into any possible failures on the part of current and former senior management.  Should any misconduct be uncovered, we will take swift and decisive action against those responsible, including all relevant disciplinary and/or legal measures.  In addition, a new management team has been brought in to China to ensure that operations run effectively。

  2014年7月26日-- 为帮助重建客户及消费者的信任,同时,为配合政府机关进行的调查,福喜集团今天宣布必须从市场中收回由上海福喜所生产的所有产品并正在着手针对现任及前任高管人员可能存在的不尽职行为开展彻底的内部调查。一旦发现任何不当行为,将对相关责任人员采取果断、坚决的行动,包括处分和/或法律行动。此外,集团也已为中国配备了全新的管理团队,以确保业务的有效运营。

  Senior Vice President and Managing Director of OSI APMEA, Mr. Brent Afman said: "These decisions are the most responsible course of action we can take at this point in time. We are working hard to bring assurance to our customers and ultimate consumers。


  In an earlier statement, the owner of OSI Group, Mr. Sheldon Lavin also said “For more than 100 years we’ve provided safe, quality food, while operating at the highest global standards. So to have this occur at the Shanghai facility violates the tenets of our company and the values that we embrace and live.  It’s devastating and it’s not who we are as a company.  


  "I am appalled that something so completely unacceptable has happened in a company that I own.  I will not try and defend it or explain it.  It was just terribly wrong. "


  OSI will conduct a full, fair, and comprehensive investigation on managers at all levels for evidence of management failures. In the meantime, our local operations will be managed by global management in accordance with global standards of quality management。


  Mr. Afman also mentioned OSI’s global support teams are arriving in Shanghai and are working closely with the local team with the conducting of a “leave-no-stone-unturned” investigation, and, as part of this process, OSI has been and will continue to fully cooperate with the State and Shanghai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory organizations.  “We are committed to openness and transparency.  We are providing clear and full explanations and findings to all concerned as early as possible。”

  艾伯强先生同时表示来自福喜总部的支持团队正陆续抵达上海,正与当地团队紧密合作展开全面深入的调查,而在此过程中,总部一直并将继续全力配合国家和上海食品药品监督管理局及其他监管机构的工作。“我们对于调查的进展将尽全力做到开放、透明。 我们将会尽快向各方提供明确并完整的解释和调查结果。”

  Towards the end of his remarks, Mr. Afman stated, “We remain committed to our presence in China and have sent our best team of global experts to ensure we resolve this.  We are very proud of our team members and our operations in other parts of China.  It reinforces our confidence and commitment to China.  We have a great deal yet to deliver to China。”


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