
   2008-05-13 5160
An Opportunity for Shopping Centers
in the New Media Age
importance of Maintaining our Foothold as Americas Marketplace
Judi A. Lapin*
裘地 A. 拉品
  Abstract: As has been reported by the media, the era of mass marketing is ending and the door has opened to a new media age. With this new age comes what could be one of the shopping center industrys greatest opportunities to become the largest out-of home advertising medium nationwide.

  This article outlines the shifting trends that are chipping away at our foothold and builds the case for both education and a universal industry metrics system that satisfies the needs of the advertising industrys ROI accountability and adds shopping centers to the media landscape and the growing new measurement of engagement.

  摘要: 已有媒体报道:大呼隆营销的时代已经终结,通往新媒体时代的窗口已经开启。这个新时代的来临可能是使购物中心产业成为全国最大户外广告媒体的最佳的机遇。本文概述的变化趋势是不系统的,我们的立足点仅是建立教育及普及产业评估系统,以满足广告业可计算投资回报的需要,并增加购物中心的多媒体景观和提升合作水准。

  Winston Churchill once observed that the pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Being an active participant in this vibrant industry of ours over the last two decades, I have always viewed the shopping center industry as optimistic, making the most of each difficulty and turning the majority of them into the next big opportunity.


  And being in the business of providing brand strategies to developers to position their companies and projects, it has been a part of my business to monitor trends. It is through my work that I continue to see that the difficulties of another industry, that of traditional media, are providing retail real estate with one of its biggest opportunities ever.


  Out With the Old, In With the New

  As has been heavily reported by the media, the era of mass marketing is ending and the door
shopping center industrys greatest role in maintaining its foothold as Americas Marketplace and the opportunity to become the largest out-of-home advertising medium nationwide.has opened to a new media age. Being ushered in with this new era is what could be the


  For some historical perspective you have only to look back at 1960s America with one TV per household and only three channels to watch. An advertiser could reach 80% of the women in America when its commercial ran on those three channels simultaneously. And the consumer was happy to watch it. There was little or no consumer resistance to traditional advertising; it was welcomed into the household. There were a handful of radio stations, newspapers and print magazines, all with defined markets. It was a simpler age, to say the least. But as we all know, those days are over and the flood gates have opened to a multitude of new media choices.


  Those three TV channels have grown to more than 1,994 network and cable channels1 along
with video-ondemand services and TiVo to help you skip the commercials. According to a recent
article in Advertising Age, Google catalogs more than one billion Web pages, none of which
existed in mass marketings heyday. Advertisers are turning Web logs into marketing forums and bloggers and podcasts on mobile devices are all being weighed as regular media outlets.
Newspapers have grown their online versions, and what was a handful of magazines in 1960 has
burgeoned to some 18,000 printed publications today2 with over 13,200 radio choices3 across the airwaves. Madison Avenue and the nations top ad agencies are scrambling to maintain
relevance and readjust their own business models.

  这3个电视频道已经增加到超过1,994个网络和有线电缆,视频按需服务和Tivo帮助你跳过广告。据最近的广告时代中一篇文章:谷歌目录超过10亿网页,它们不是存在于大呼隆营销方式的盛行时期。广告商转向网络日志或营销论坛,博客和播客,移动设备都被作为正规媒体的通道。报纸增加在线版本, 从1960年刚萌芽的少数几个杂志到现在已1800种公共出版物,超过13200个电台横穿整个天空.麦迪逊大道和全国最大的广告代理商们都争着适应这种变化并调整自己的商业模式.

  Shopping Centers as a Medium

  With a big bang triggered by technology, the universe that shopping center marketing used to command has exploded. More than ever before, media fragmentation, search engines and
personalized media have put control in the hands of the consumer more than ever. It has become
more difficult for retailers, as well as for those whose products are not normally sold in the mall, to break through to consumers in a meaningful way. Tuning out television commercials, switching the radio channel and clicking past online banner ads are elements product marketers wont deal with at shopping centers. In-center advertising catches consumers in a buying mode and research has shown that awareness and acceptance of these ads is successful.4


  The case for the enclosed mall as a medium was well documented in the article Turning the Enclosed Shopping Mall into a Mass Marketing Medium, (ICSC Research Review, Vol. 11 (No.2), Summer 2004). Written by specialists in creating and using audience measurement and
customer traffic data, it stated that the mall may be the quintessential retail marketplace in the
United States. In-mall exposure to product ads provided close to the point of sale when shoppers are in a buying state of mind was noted as being highly marketable. The article stated that, at a conservative $2 CPM (Cost Per Thousand) for consumers reached, mall medias annual revenue could surpass $3 billion and grow threefold in 10 years if deployment of mall media strategies meets even conservative figures. That would make the shopping center the largest out-of-home media vehicle in the United States. But to get there, the authors counseled that the industry would need to demonstrate advertising effectiveness and develop a universal audience measurement standard that advertisers will view as impartial and accurate.

  在《变封闭式购物中心为大规模营销的媒体》(ICSC Research Review, Vol. 11 (No. 2), Summer2004)这篇文章中这个封闭式摩尔作为媒体的案例是很好的例证。由专家撰写引用观众测评和消费者的交易资料。他说:在美国摩尔可能是顶级的零售商场。在摩尔中出现的产品广告使接近销售点的购物者在购买的心理上认为这是非常适销的商品。文章指出, 如果摩尔配置媒体策略,一个保守的估计为招徕顾客的成本每千美元是2美元(2 ) ,摩尔媒体的年收入可突破30亿美元,在10年内增长了三倍。这将使购物中心成为美国最大的户外媒体传播手段。但要达到这一目的,作者劝告该行业将需要论证广告的效果,并制定通用的和广告客户认为是公正和准确的受众评估标准。

  Today the industrys mall REITS and major landlords, along with Clear Channel Communications, all have programs in place to sell sponsorship and advertising packages
including outdoor billboards, murals, directories, backlit displays, food courts, aisle ways, on-mall high-definition TV networks and onscreen ads. These exciting and ambitious initiatives clearly give the industry its entree to the new media world with data and customized measurement tools derived by international media and marketing research firms, Arbitron, for one.


  Ad industry publications report that as media buyers retool, there is receptivity to seeking new ways to reach the consumer more effectively. Both product marketers and retailers are
experimenting with ways to reach people in public places. Trying to fuse advertising with lifes
activities gets an ad message inside the head of a consumer. wher better than a shopping
center for any advertiser to take advantage of this trend? But only through a coordinated industry
wide initiative that is based on exposure and scale can we build our industrys own brand equity as a true medium to the advertising world.


  Maintaining Our Foothold as Americas Marketplace

  Among factors chipping away at our industrys position are the following:

  Although our industry is enjoying its currently healthy state, an ICSC research study of
consumer shopping habits conducted in 2005 at 56 regional and super regional malls concluded
that shopper conversion had dropped to its lowest level in more than a decade.5 The total number of shoppers actually increased, but once in the stores, they didnt make a purchase as often.


  Juxtapose that against data that report online sales in 2005 at $176 billion with an
anticipated increase of 20% in 2006. The same research shows that consumers are getting more
* comfortable with the online buying process, abandoning their Internet shopping carts much

  依据数据报告在线销售额在2005年达1760亿美元,2006年预期增加20%。同一研究显示, 在线购买过程消费者感到更舒适,很少会放弃他们的网上购物车。6

  We continue to monitor spiking gas prices. Voicing an opinion shared by others,
economist Bernard Baumohl, executive director of the Economic Outlook Group, counsels that
the online world will be the biggest beneficiary of high gas prices as consumers increasingly shop online.

  我们继续监察居高不下汽油的价格,与经济展望集团(Economic Outlook Group)执行董事、经济学家伯纳德.鲍莫尔表达一个共同的意见:网络世界将是高汽油价格的最大的受益者,因为消费者将更多地上网上商店购物。

  The Generation Y contingent is adopting technology at a startling pace. Spending more
time online than they do watching TV, they are receptive to blogs, podcasts and mobile-web ads
and their consumer buying patterns are changing accordingly.7 As they are an important
demographic, staying credible and influential in this groups buying decisions will be key.

  The Generation Y以惊人的速度采用技术,花比他们看电视更多的时间上网,他们接受了博客,播客和移动网络广告,消费者的购买方式因此正在发生变化7。由于它们注重人口,公信力和影响力,在这个集团的购买决策将是关键所在.

   Our retailers are well down the path of seeking alternative advertising media to expand
their brands in todays competitive marketplace with in-store and online strategies, which may be leaving in-center advertising low on their list.


  In turn, the flow of ad dollars to the Internet has grown 30% over the last year to $12.5


  As Americas Marketplace, we are the tactile shopping experience online shopping is not,
and we are the place for social interaction and lifestyle experience.


  Todays retail projects are being energized by open-air concepts, mixed-use elements,
imaginative architecture, entertainment and creative amenities, enhancing our marketplace
even more.


  We know that the mall remains alive and well, and that online retail has brought the positive
synergy of a new distribution channel. But the fact remains that protecting our brick-and-mortar
turf is of primary concern. We have merely scratched the surface in developing shopping centers
as a choice for nontraditional media. And furthering the initiative to present shopping centers as a viable advertising medium to retailers and products is in direct support of maintaining our foothold.

  Being a player in the media fray and presenting shopping centers as the premier place to connect with people is the opportunity before us.


  The Need for a Universal Metric Standard

  In the Wild West of media options, buyers of advertising are willing to explore new territory, but not without accountability. In its annual survey of members concerns, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) found that marketing accountability topped the list.


  Traditional media are obviously taking all of this change seriously as they continue to merge
with the interactive world, leaving their own standard measurement systems of reach and time
due for an extreme makeover. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) continues to updat its
Global Internet Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines to address longstanding marketer and
agency concerns about the need for a standardized method of measuring online advertising.
only by following suit does our industry have the opportunity to truly support the continued growth of shopping centers as a medium.


  By leaning on the systems and successes garnered to date from shopping center sponsorship, experiential marketing and advertising initiatives, as well as the tradition of ICSC to share,educate and lead our industry, we need to explore and share customer insights and question a host of historical assumptions on how shopping center marketing works. In the efforts of growing our own brand, lets tap the brain power of our chief marketers and research gurus. Lets educate our marketing professionals on how the new media affect our centers consumer communities and the bottom line. Lets devise a universal metrics system that factors not only eyeballs and traffic but adds our name to the media landscape and the growing new measurement of engagement. Advertisers believe that engagement ultimately holds the key to increasing return on investment (ROI) and they are partnering to define it.9 The shopping center industry needs to connect the dots and recognize the of the retail experience we create, and quantify the shoppers engagement in our own marketplace. Lets work with established audit bureaus and ad-industry organizations to develop a suite of metrics that not only support the varied advertising opportunities of the enclosed mall, but grow with us to consider our open-air elements, town centers and future zones.

  依靠系统并成功地收集购物中心的赞助,体验营销和广告活动是ICSC参与、培训和领导行业的传统。我们需要探索和分享客户的见解,探索和分享客户的见解,并询问许多关于购物中心在历史上是如何开展营销工作的问题.努力发展自有的品牌,让主要营销人员和研究权威头脑中的智能闸门开启,教育我们的营销专业人员懂得新媒体如何影响我们中心消费者的沟通和行为底线。让我们设计一个通用的衡量因素系统,这些因素不仅仅是眼球和交通,而且还加上媒体景观的命名,并增加关于与受众接触的新的测量方法。广告商认为, 受众接触掌握基本的关键是提高投资回报率(ROI ) ,这由他们共同合作来加以确定。购物中心产业所需要连接点和认识零售经验的价值, 在我们自己的商场里创造和量化购物者与媒体的接触。建立监察部门和广告行业组织,开发一套衡量标准,不仅支持各种广告有机会进入购物中心,而且相信露天元素、城镇购物中心和未来新区等将伴随我们成长。广告商采取行动需要作出决策时信息必须是有用的。我们不让2007成为鸵鸟之年,而是进步之年。以一种有意义的方式,进一步安置我们的媒体景观和巩固美国商场的据点。

  To be actionable, information must be available when advertisers decisions need to be made.Lets not make 2007 the year of the ostrich but instead the year we step forward in a meaningful way to further our position in the media landscape and cement our foothold as Americas Marketplace. Judi Lapin is president of Lapin Consulting Group (LCG), one of the real estate industrys top branding and marketing communications firms. With retail real estate as a focus, LCG combines the disciplines of branding, creative direction, public relations, research and online marketing to enhance for a varied client list from top industry developers, investors and their projects to master planned communities and cities.

  Judi currently serves on ICSCs Board of Trustees and she is a six-time MAXI winner of ICSCs coveted award formarketing achievement. She served three years as ICSC State Director for Southern California and National Chair of the ICSC Public Relations Task Force. She is a frequent speaker and contributor to both ICSC and Urban Land Institute conferences and journals. Judi helped develop the syllabus for Advanced Public Relations for ICSCs Marketing Institute and has served as guest faculty for the USC Lusk School of Real Estate Development. Judi can be reached at jlapin@lapincg.comor at (714) 434-1300.

  ﹡President, Lapin Consulting Group
  U.S. Federal Communications Commission, 2002.
  Magazine Publishers of America, 2006.
  U.S. Federal Communications Commission, 2002
  Arbitron Custom Research Report, Simon Brand Ventures,Roosevelt Field Mall, 2006.
  Veronica V. Soriano, Converting Browsers into Spenders, Research Review, Vol. 13 (No. 2), 2006, p. 13.
  Forrester Research, June 2006.
  Forrester Research, North American Consumer Technology Adoption Study (NACTAS) 2006 Benchmark Survey.
  Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), PricewaterhouseCoopers
  Association of National Advertisers (ANA), the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4As) and the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) have formed a partnership to define and measure engagement in a project called Measurement Initiative: Advertisers, Agencies, Media and Researchers or M14.
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